Proper car maintenance ensures your car stays running in top shape for years to come. When you take care of your car, you extend its life and realize less depreciation. Both factors help you to get the most out of your automobile investment. Car maintenance 101 includes tire rotations and suspension system maintenance. In this post, Joe’s Service Department reveals more.
Car Tires and Tire Rotation
Tires are the only part of your car that touch the ground, so they take on a lot of wear and tear. Over time, this can lead to uneven tread wear. Uneven tread wear can negatively impact your car’s handling, braking, and fuel economy. That’s why it’s important to get a tire rotation regularly from a certified auto technician.
Most carmakers recommend you get your tires rotated every 5,000 to 7,500 miles. However, it’s best to check your car’s owner manual for the manufacturer’s recommendation specific to your vehicle. Depending on your driving habits, you might need to have your tires rotated more frequently.
Suspension Service
Your car’s suspension system is responsible for providing a smooth ride. It comprises various components, including shock absorbers, a steering system, struts, and leaf springs. The suspension system absorbs energy and redistributes it evenly so that you enjoy a smoother ride. These parts work together to keep your car level as you drive, absorbing the impact from bumps in the road.
Over time, your car’s suspension components can become worn out or damaged. Worn and damaged suspension equipment can lead to a rough ride. In extreme cases, it can cause your car to bottom out or make it difficult to steer, requiring an alignment or other service.
To avoid these problems, it’s important to have your car’s suspension system serviced regularly. Most auto manufacturers recommend you have your suspension system serviced every 12,000 to 24,000 miles. However, some cars may require more or less frequent servicing. Once again, check the owner’s manual to see what works best for your car.
How Tires and Suspension Work Together
While they may seem unrelated, tires and suspension actually work together. The condition of your tires can impact your car’s suspension and vice versa.
For example, if your car has worn-out shocks, it will have a harder time bouncing back after hitting a bump in the road. This can cause the tread on your tires to wear unevenly and more quickly. Uneven tread wear can lead to several problems, including decreased handling and braking ability.
Schedule Service at Joe’s
To get the most out of your car, it’s important to keep both the tires and suspension in good condition. In order to do that, we recommend including tire rotations and suspension service into your regular auto maintenance routine. Schedule your service, repair, or oil change with Joe’s Service Department today. Call (317) 405-8456 to get on the calendar.